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361 Total Reviews /files/vte-logo.jpg802-658-6055$188 Krupp Drive, Williston VT

What’s the hype over ductless mini-splits? Developed with recent technological advancements, mini-splits are simpler to install than traditional HVAC systems, particularly when there is no existing ductwork. Mini-split heat pumps have been used worldwide for many years, but have also been rapidly gaining acceptance in the Williston, VT.

Most often mini-split heat pumps are un-ducted or have limited ducting. They can be single zone (one indoor unit matching up with one outdoor unit), or multi-zone with several indoor units fed from a single outdoor unit.

At Vermont Energy Contracting & Supply Corp., we’re experts in mini-split heat pump installation and service. Our factory-trained technicians have the experience to help maintain or repair an existing mini-split system or install a new energy-efficient system in your Williston.

Reviews For Ductless Mini Split

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Ductless Mini Split Review for Jim in Middlebury, VT

I called in the middle of the afternoon to schedule a service check-up on our mini-split. I had to leave a message. No courtesy of a returned call. So I called again and spoke to a woman who I reminded about my unreturned call. She proceeded to tell me that they were not taking on new clients. I asked here if she had any recommendations as to who else I could call. She told me she couldn't think of any?? Poor attitude, poor service. I would never consider using this company to purchase new systems etc. after this reception. Awful experience.

Customer rating on service:star
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